Tuesday, March 26, 2013

The Croods

Guess what J-P Lovers?
    I am so in love with The Croods! Nicolas Cage, Emma Stone, Ryan Reynolds and Catherine Keener equals: AWESOME!
    I watched it today and I'd say it was great!

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Romeo holding a bouquet of flowers!

Zahara's boyfriend is seen with his mom and his sister Harper today. So cute! He's wearing a fancy tuxedo holding a bouquet of flowers with a perfect hair style.

Friday, March 15, 2013

Baby Cash Earners!

Remember Maleficent?

      Momgelina.com announced that after they filmed, Vivienne received  £1,924.88 plus $40 per week, while Zahara and Pax earned £ 120 as a bonus.

Maddox and Pax: New Haircuts!

Maddox and Pax were spotted, finally after a while, together in Woodland Hills, California, on Saturday, in March 9 with their personal guard.
Maddox has a new haircut and style. He is totally in his teenage years now!
Pax is behaving better now. And he is also growing!
Maddox seems to be the wild one now. While Pax was, as always, not pleased.

Saturday, March 9, 2013

FroYo Girls!

Zahara and Shiloh were seen with some friends eating yogurt.
Zee looked good. But what's that mark on her face?
Shi is like her parents... Hey. Is that Johnny Depp?

Valentines Day with the Twins!

Angelina and Brad brought their twins in the National History Museum in Valentines day.
Vivienne wasn't so pleased with the paparazzi....
....while Knox was stayed quiet. Nice shades, dude!

Pax and Zahara are Urban Outfitters!

Angelina Jolie was spotted wearing a funky all-black outfit with matching purple shoes while heading out of the Urban Outfitters with fashionable Zahara and not-looking-at-the-camera Pax!
I'm guessing it's hot because Z covered her eyes with her right arm, AJ was wearing black shades, while Pax is looking down.
Pax was much interested in finding the product they bought (wish I saw his gold nails) ,,,
... while Zee decided to stay with mommy AJ.