Saturday, December 22, 2012

I think these are what the kids want.

Just to get back on the Suri's Burn Book thing, I decided to come up with my own fake Jolie Pitts talking about what they want for Christmas.

Let's pretend this is them talking, okay?


Not sure. I think I would want a:

  • A Samsung Galaxy SIII. I can't believe their qualities, seriously! 
  • I do not want a dog because we have a dog, Jacques. I couldn't ask for more. I think a bear would be good. They've got great furs. 
  • Another pair of boots. 
  • Jennifer Aniston movies and posters 
  • Real Beatles guitar
  • Pizza delivery 
  • And another Black sister because I love 

I don't want paps to know but since Suri wrote some things mean I'm accepting it.

  • Suri's Burn Book deleted. ASAP!
  • Visit my real mom this Christmas and tell her I love her 
  • No paps 
  • A camera to take revenge
  • Meet Matilda Williams... She's my crush 
  • Watch the Maleficent movie.

Suri's my friend, but, they always compare her, me and Shiloh  I mean John! Sorry. Look, she may be a bit spoiled but she and Maddox have a long hard relationship. Yes, they're dating.

Strange, right?

  • I want a painting of the whole family together 
  • Maybe more twin siblings to come 
  • I'm guessing a pony or a turkey named Ginger. 
  • A magazine of Romeo Beckham. He's my crush. 
  • To see the sunset just once before going to LA 
  • And swimming with the dolphins 

Not to push the notes or anything but the Suri's Burn Book is just a website. And people are forgetting she is just a kid who gets whatever she wants. My brothers, sisters and I are so not like that. 

Dude, what's cooking? 
  • Maybe a nice pair of alien shoes would be okay 
  • A dead animal 
  • Dog food for lunch 
  • A tattoo 
  • Boxer shorts. I have thirty shorts but I want more. 
  • Abs cause nothing comes. I need abs, please!
  • To be like Maddox when I am big. 

Suri's okay. She's not as pretty as, um, well,... no comment. I really think mom, Z and Vivienne are the most beautiful, fashionable girls and mom in the world. 

Suri is bad, spoiled and cries a lot. Plus, she hits her own parents and yells at anyone. How cruel is that? She is unlike my girl, Emme Lopez Anthony, who respects people and is silent. 

  • A dinosaur island with REAL dinosaurs 
  • CD full of Fred and Ginger 
  • Dragon named Xavier with sharp horns and deadly fire
  • No World War III. I hate seeing people fight for their country... :(
  • And maybe visiting the Rossdales soon. I know Vivienne misses Zuma. No, they are just pals. It's Max Lopez Anthony she likes. 

Suri is beginning to get on my nerves. Just cause she is rich and has parents named Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes does not mean she can rule and get anything she wants! Honestly, she hates Z. I love my sister even if she is dark. And I do not think she is ugly. 

Suri only cares for herself and nobody else. She eats like a weirdo and can't spell alligator. I seriously think she should not go to school because of her naughty behavior. She would not have anything for Christmas if she doesn't stop that. 
  • A medicine, food and clothes for the poor in Ethiopia. 
  • Lipstick made of real apple 
  • Witch house full of candies 
  • A date with Max Lopez Anthony 
  • A shell necklace
  • Turtle on top of a table full of apples 
And if only Suri would not be spoiled, she would have been a cool inspiration. 

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