Thursday, May 9, 2013

Zahara wants to be a model!

Zahara wants to be a model.

Zahara Jolie-Pitt is a girly-girl. She likes fashion. She likes doing different things to her hair. She likes jewelry. She loves purses. All of it is pretty cute, honestly. Add to all of that the simple fact that Z is already a really beautiful little girl… and many of us are pretty convinced that Z will rule the world someday soon. But until that day, her parents are still going to fight over what’s best for her. Angelina is pro-style, as in, she’s allegedly encouraging Zahara to have fun with her “look” and Angelina likes that she has one kid who is interested in how she gets ready for a red carpet. Brad, on the other hand, is worried that his little girl is growing up too fast.
Brad Pitt is seeing red over his daughter Zahara’s blue hair – and he’s battling Angelina Jolie over their little girl’s sudden desire to become a supermodel!
Zahara got the idea to get bright-blue braided hair extensions after seeing singers Katy Perry and Selena Gomez sporting blue locks in fashion magazines. And that’s just fine with Angelina, who’s thrilled the once-shy little beauty is being more assertive. But dad Brad is dead set against it because he thinks the adopted tyke is too young to be thinking about a modeling career, say insiders.
“Zahara has finally come out from hiding behind Angie’s apron strings and decided she wants to be a cover girl,” a source confirmed. “She loves practicing her runway walk and putting together colorful outfits – and she’s perfected a pout just like Naomi Campbell’s!”
According to the source, Zahara’s fashion sense has been on display on family outings over the past several months. Along with her blue hair extensions, she’s been photographed in stylish dresses, designer knee-high boots and Hello Kitty stick-on nails.
While the other kids couldn’t care less about Angelina’s designer styles, Zahara loves to watch Angie get ready for parties and awards shows.
“Zahara is becoming a mini-fashion diva and Angie couldn’t be prouder,” said the source. “And while Brad isn’t on board with the whole model idea, they do agree on one thing – Zahara has definitely come out of her shell.”

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