Tuesday, July 30, 2013


Maddox Jolie-Pitt--- his IPAD was stolen. Luckily, a paparazzo took a pic of it.
You never hear a good story about the paparazzi — so today we wanted to make sure that you heard that a paparazzo covering Maddox Pitt-Jolie saw a crime take place and helped nab the suspect.
A photographer from Fame-Flynet saw a man at Hollywood Sports Park in Bellflower, California last Saturday put on black gloves and enter the Jolie-Pitt SUV and steal a cellphone and two iPads — one labeled “family.”
According a press release from the LA Sheriff’s Department sent to RumorFix, the suspect Lorenzo Castro “allegedly quickly returned to his car and attempted to drive out of the parking lot. The citizen used his vehicle to block Mr. Castro’s path, called 911 and flagged down a private security officer for help.”
All of his actions were caught on tape. Castro didn’t resist arrest and the stolen property was returned to Maddox who was playing paintball.
Although the sheriff’s department appreciates the Good Samaritan efforts, they say, “We recommend reporting a crime in progress immediately by calling 9-1-1 and being a good witness.”
In essence: “Don’t try this at home!”
Thank God to the paparazzo

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